Monday, August 23, 2010

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Afternoon's time, makes the phone call according to the rice older female cousin, said that paternal grandmother has fallen ill, the staggers violated. In the morning has given an injection, but did not have what change for the better, drinks Shui Dutu to come out. Has eaten meal, mother calls according to the rice to have a look at paternal grandmother together, said according to the rice: I see paternal grandmother, what thing can bring to go? Mother said: You want to bring anything on belt anything. Then took the unpolished rice volume which according to the rice she most liked eating also to have a two package of biscuit sugar. Goes downstairs, has bumped into the mother's sister and the older female cousin, stands in the downstairs speech time,(Related Articlesoutdoor toddler toys Eight month special editions Fashionab), has eaten according to Mi Batang, then, has opened package of biscuits,infant flower girl dresses, a person has divided one. Mother asked: You were not said that takes,girls coats, did oneself which paternal grandmother ate how eat? She has raised an unpolished rice volume which and package of biscuits raises hand to hit only remains,kids costumes, this is for paternal grandmother.

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