Thursday, August 19, 2010

walmart baby dolls The treasure diary 59 issues attend the wedding ceremony

Last week mother's colleague sends the invitation to wedding to want to attend the wedding ceremony today. On the invitation to wedding wrote behind mother's name to add husbands and wives two characters. Reads saw,(Related Articlesgirls coats 0 2 year old parents must know 50 feed), asks me on the whole face doubts: Mother,walmart baby dolls, that uncle does not know my father?
Mother: Understanding.
Reads: Why then he only did write your name in the written invitation to add husbands and wives, but has not written daddy's name?
Mother: This husbands and wives have represented daddy and mother.
Reads: That such mentioned uncle only to invite your two, why didn't invite me?
Mother starts a little not to have the language, but replied: Invited,girl dresses, was only you are the child has not written you.
Reads: Oh!
(note: Looking from this, the child may not neglect may also not take seriously. I will also remind everybody later to write the written invitation to disdain entire family also to take to bring with child's name .hehe)

Today prepared to attend the wedding ceremony, mother said that must take to bring with the card to walk again. Read also wants to play the card to say to mother: Mother, we do not bring the card not to be possible to go in attend the wedding ceremony?
Mother: Generally speaking may not. Because had card others only then to know that whose wedding ceremony you were attend.
Reads: That uncle (refers to bridegroom) not to have the card to be possible to go in?
Mother: Uncle is the bridegroom may certainly go. He wears the flower to have the symbol.
Reads: Originally is this. Understood.

Today participates on the road which the wedding ceremony goes home,gifts for kids, read says wants to urinate, mother said that you looked you were certainly drink the drink to drink are many. (my family does not let child drink drink generally, because today is peculiar circumstance, attended wedding ceremony to let on exceptional case read has drunk drink)
Reads replies mother: I do not have to drink. Does not believe you to look what I urinate come out is the white?
In consternation!!
Drinks is what can then leave what to come? Really child.
Read then said: I cannot urinate yellow other colors to explain I drink the drink are not many.
Probably this words rational regulations nonsense!

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