Saturday, September 4, 2010

fashion kids clothing Seven year old of baby results in the weird disease, not deaf actually cannot

Seven year-old boys, the physical growth is very normal,fashion kids clothing, does not like the speech besides oneself, cannot understand the logical expression. For several years, the parents have offered loans more than 10 ten thousand Yuan, leads him to search through national many well-known hospitals, but had still not obtained an accurate cause of disease. Is actually the baby trouble what weird disease,(Related Articlesunique baby gift ideas [transfers] decided that the child de), can some who untie this riddle? Yesterday, baby's Aunt Chen Zuying hoped found the treating an illness person of high skill through the newspaper.

After three years old, the language function draws back anxiously

Seven year-old boy gruff (alias), the family lives in the Tongliang County Shaoyun Town, the parents elder in outside hiring out for working. His/her Aunt Chen Zuying said that when easy childbirth's gruff birth is quite healthy, about body weight 4 kilograms. The gruff ten months ago are breast feeding, the growth is very normal for .10 months later, because the couple go out hiring out for working, gruff then grandfather feeds by mother-in-law.

Chen Zuying told the reporters, when gruff two years old, the language function growth is quite normal, can shout mother-in-law grandfather, father and mother and so on simple language. But hereafter, the gruff language function starts to decline, when to three years old, basic does not shout the human. Those who let the couple surprise is, except can know that eats meal drinks water puts on clothes, occasionally thought aloud that shouts outside a mother-in-law, regardless of how adult does shout him, gruff turns a deaf ear.

Physique health not deaf-mute

Therefore, the couple escort to the child the local many big hospital inspection, through CT, the electroencephalogram, inspections and so on magnetic resonance, gruff bodily each function is perfect, the hearing and the vocal cord growth do not have exceptionally, indicated that gruff not deaf is not mute.

Chen Zuying told the reporters, many doctors thought that suffers from the zi4bi4 syndrome gruffly,green baby gift baskets, but the process is more than three year of treatment, does not have an effect. In order to find the gruff cause of disease, the couple also escorted to it Chengdu, Beijing And so on Well-known Hospital diagnosis, still had not found the accurate cause of disease, some experts also suggested that the couple gave up.

Looked at the famous doctor to open the cause of disease

Worried Mr. and Mrs. Chen Zu Britain indicated that husbands and wives the bilateral family has not presented the similar patient, is what reason causes the child to suffer from so the weird disease? The couple have had a child, at present 8 months have been big, the couple worried that like could not find the cause of disease, the tragedy performs once more.

Is impossible to look helplessly the child gets down like this, who can rescue the child! Chen Zuying indicated that hopes through the newspaper, seeks for the famous doctor, lets the gruff aperture speak, the normal child lives equally likely. Reporter Li Kui

Expert viewpoint

Serious zi4bi4 syndrome? The brain growth is unusual?

Should the serious zi4bi4 syndrome! Yesterday, reporter interviewed once for has treated gruffly heavy medicine Pediatric hospital heart science subjects expert Professor Mei Qixia. Professor Mei said that although does not have the obvious zi4bi4 syndrome mechanical clinical manifestation gruffly, but has to the outside thing is not interested, neglects others' existence, performance and so on language degeneration. She explains said that gruff 10 months later grandfather feeds by mother-in-law, the parents then leave, although year to year grandfather has to do with mother-in-law, but because mother-in-law grandfather lacks factors and so on exchange skill, lacks since childhood with parents' language, the dear ones communication, in the mind receives the wound.

Nerve internal medicine department experts actually believed that although does not have the ample evidence to indicate that the gruff nerve has exceptionally, but the baby intelligence is getting more and more low, refutes with the zi4bi4 syndrome symptom,unique baby gifts make, therefore, this expert insisted that is the brain growth unusual reason.

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