Saturday, September 4, 2010

discount children's clothes Nearby two boy deep ponds catches when the lobster falls into the pond

On May 2 about 2:00 pm, east after the Zhumadian post city Xiangshan office nearby Fanzhuang Village's deep pond, three boys catch when the lobster two people fall in the water; Falling in the water boy succeeds rescues, another is salvaged time has died.

Yesterday in the morning, reporter, in the matter sent north shore the pond on between a low house west wall to discover the water depth danger, forbade to take a bath east several large brush-written Chinese character .55 year-old east Fanzhuang Village villagers Zhang Li saying that after at that time he heard called for help the sound, throws down the hoe to the pond to run, ran while flings clothes and the shoe, ran up to nearby the pond, saw only on the water surface to float a child, he plunged into immediately the water. At that time the child lay on one's back is floating, belly drum drum. East Zhang Li said that he uses to entrain the foot to tow line of means that tows the child comes ashore, then extruded the child drum drum's belly, after the child has spat big booth water,(Related Articlesbaby socks The vacation do not let the child indul), has opened the eye.

By now, the ashore called for help the boy saying that in the water also some, sank. East Zhang Li is too busy to think of the rest, plunges into once more water.

Afterward, the Xiangshan local police station, the post city fire prevention production brigade's rescue workers rushes to the scene one after another.

Calls for help child named rather museum of cultural relics (sound), this year 10 years old; Named king who rescues the pond one, 9 years old; Sinks to the water a named rather sail,discount children's clothes, 11 years old. Their three people are the post city Laokay office Jiaozhuang rural populations, comes here is catches the lobster.

The same day about 5:00 pm, sinks in a submarine sail is salvaged rather comes ashore, but his heart already stopped the beat. The day has been hot,girls clothes, the child open country plays with water, must accompany by adult. The Zhumadian Working Committee for the Care of the Next Generation person in charge,children's clothes, educational expert Zhang Shuying said that Zhumadian can have the tragedy event which every year several children were drowned die, investigated its reason, was the guardian is negligent in the guardianship to create. Moreover, teacher must the frequent education child not want to play with water alone in the open country, must only then may arrive at the creek in the guardian or under teacher's accompaniment, the pond plays. This kind of education was not says simply, must put out the concrete instance to carry on the caution.

green baby gift baskets The Jiangxi child clothing spot check has 40% not to be nearly unqualified

The Jiangxi Province bureau of industry and commerce 20 raid of child clothings which 20 enterprises produced to the market in had carried on the spot-check the other day, finally discovered that the qualified 13 raids, the sampling qualified rate was only 65%, in many certified product's operating instructions ingredient labelling with the symbol, did not pretend to be the high content natural fiber actually by the low content natural fiber.

According to the Jiangxi Province bureau of industry and commerce fair deal bureau concerned people in charge introduced that this test result showed that the children's clothing existence's quality question mainly appears in the operating instructions and the textile fiber content two aspects. The operating instructions are transmit the product information to the consumer the important way. In this spot-check,(Related Articleswhite baby socks About the teaching material sex the result expert saves the objection), the operating instructions certified product has 5 raids. The primary cause is the clothing Manufacturer and the dealer when the design product operating instructions and actually not symbol.

Because present clothing production by Small business majority, also some are the domestic workshop type enterprises, these enterprise's quality consciousness is not high, the management is chaotic,green baby gift baskets, often uses this batch of product's operating instructions on the next batch of raw material different clothing, cause product operating instructions and raw material not symbol. Also some when produces the clothing, according to the lining supplier data or the estimate result, labels product ingredient marking, the accuracy is bad.

Moreover,baby blanket, in the spot-check also discovered that has 5 raid of children's clothing textile fiber content not to be unqualified. Textile fiber content main reflection product real attribute, is also the consumer selects and purchases time clothing's main reference content. In this spot-check in the textile fiber content examination reflected the question basically is by the low content natural fiber, pretends to be the high content natural fiber. In addition,baby gear, some children's clothing existence color fastness unqualified question.

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Seven year-old boys, the physical growth is very normal,fashion kids clothing, does not like the speech besides oneself, cannot understand the logical expression. For several years, the parents have offered loans more than 10 ten thousand Yuan, leads him to search through national many well-known hospitals, but had still not obtained an accurate cause of disease. Is actually the baby trouble what weird disease,(Related Articlesunique baby gift ideas [transfers] decided that the child de), can some who untie this riddle? Yesterday, baby's Aunt Chen Zuying hoped found the treating an illness person of high skill through the newspaper.

After three years old, the language function draws back anxiously

Seven year-old boy gruff (alias), the family lives in the Tongliang County Shaoyun Town, the parents elder in outside hiring out for working. His/her Aunt Chen Zuying said that when easy childbirth's gruff birth is quite healthy, about body weight 4 kilograms. The gruff ten months ago are breast feeding, the growth is very normal for .10 months later, because the couple go out hiring out for working, gruff then grandfather feeds by mother-in-law.

Chen Zuying told the reporters, when gruff two years old, the language function growth is quite normal, can shout mother-in-law grandfather, father and mother and so on simple language. But hereafter, the gruff language function starts to decline, when to three years old, basic does not shout the human. Those who let the couple surprise is, except can know that eats meal drinks water puts on clothes, occasionally thought aloud that shouts outside a mother-in-law, regardless of how adult does shout him, gruff turns a deaf ear.

Physique health not deaf-mute

Therefore, the couple escort to the child the local many big hospital inspection, through CT, the electroencephalogram, inspections and so on magnetic resonance, gruff bodily each function is perfect, the hearing and the vocal cord growth do not have exceptionally, indicated that gruff not deaf is not mute.

Chen Zuying told the reporters, many doctors thought that suffers from the zi4bi4 syndrome gruffly,green baby gift baskets, but the process is more than three year of treatment, does not have an effect. In order to find the gruff cause of disease, the couple also escorted to it Chengdu, Beijing And so on Well-known Hospital diagnosis, still had not found the accurate cause of disease, some experts also suggested that the couple gave up.

Looked at the famous doctor to open the cause of disease

Worried Mr. and Mrs. Chen Zu Britain indicated that husbands and wives the bilateral family has not presented the similar patient, is what reason causes the child to suffer from so the weird disease? The couple have had a child, at present 8 months have been big, the couple worried that like could not find the cause of disease, the tragedy performs once more.

Is impossible to look helplessly the child gets down like this, who can rescue the child! Chen Zuying indicated that hopes through the newspaper, seeks for the famous doctor, lets the gruff aperture speak, the normal child lives equally likely. Reporter Li Kui

Expert viewpoint

Serious zi4bi4 syndrome? The brain growth is unusual?

Should the serious zi4bi4 syndrome! Yesterday, reporter interviewed once for has treated gruffly heavy medicine Pediatric hospital heart science subjects expert Professor Mei Qixia. Professor Mei said that although does not have the obvious zi4bi4 syndrome mechanical clinical manifestation gruffly, but has to the outside thing is not interested, neglects others' existence, performance and so on language degeneration. She explains said that gruff 10 months later grandfather feeds by mother-in-law, the parents then leave, although year to year grandfather has to do with mother-in-law, but because mother-in-law grandfather lacks factors and so on exchange skill, lacks since childhood with parents' language, the dear ones communication, in the mind receives the wound.

Nerve internal medicine department experts actually believed that although does not have the ample evidence to indicate that the gruff nerve has exceptionally, but the baby intelligence is getting more and more low, refutes with the zi4bi4 syndrome symptom,unique baby gifts make, therefore, this expert insisted that is the brain growth unusual reason.

retro kids clothing [Spring Festival publishes travel notes]In first lunar month sixth day tours the

2010/02/19 Friday clear Tang Tang 3 year old of 6 month 22 huge

The day passes well quick, today already was in the first lunar month sixth day. In the morning rests to the nature awakes, then and son on bed greasy crooked a while, tidied up, has the breakfast to arrive my mother home to go. Today wants to shout that the father the maid arrives at the egret continent park to look at the lamp together, sixth day might use the park card and old person the card. Finally the father does not go, we together went with the maid.

Today's weather specially is also good, warm sunny, human's mood also not in part of ones duty happy. Although the egret continent park has come several times, but views the lanterns first, actually I am want to spend a 80 dollar person of admission ticket evening belt Tang to look at and to take the beautiful lamp scenery,retro kids clothing, but the fourth day late has tried in the Confucian temple, discovered that the list counter-camera does not have the trivet to take the night scene to be easy empty, moreover I will not have moved evening take the night scene the establishment, illuminated several picture one not to be unattractive, said again belt Tang came not to be realistic, therefore the heart was timid. Can only the daytime appreciate admires the scenery! Self-ridiculed that adult the child safe is also not! Ha-ha, hoped that oneself can grasp list counter-camera's each establishment to be only then good nimbly as soon as possible.

These two days come out to play daily, the picture really has shot many, every day sends to the blog to have 40-50, if will get down my space not to be insufficient like this, therefore I have also bought many spaces, ha-ha, hoped that my integral will be forever sufficient is only then good! Today chooses several to have in the representative picture!

as soon as 1.↑ enters the park front door, makes the boy to pat a souvenir photo before the style, but is also good, recently photographed coordinates,discount kids clothing,(Related Articles[Dragon Boat Festival travels] the fifth day of the fifth lunar month watches the dragon boat competition), possibly was his mood good reason, led him to come out happily! Just, which specially wants him to stand photographs, he will meet the forced smile, the facial expression will not always appear the nature, moreover the eye will not also be able to see!

2.↑ likes he mischievous lovable galley proof!

after 3.↑ today carries on the back the small honeybee balloon, always likes exhibiting this kind of posture, how did I look that not likely is the small honeybee, pours is likely the prawn…

4.↑ arrives at here, is one looked that performance's big booth, many old men old woman enjoy the sunlight in the warmth, we also sit down rest, eat and drink take the photograph, the easy life cross well comfortably! If the father can come to be better!

5.↑ good likes this, on time!

6.↑ according to made for Tang Tang's big face to rub the skin today, the black pouch, the small wrinkle, the speckle has gone to, looked that was juicier?



9.↑ this group of pictures I good like!

10.↑ sits in here rests!

11.↑ discovered suddenly here scenery is attractive, before has not illuminated in here, little hurries one while the human! Behind the maid has a bicycle, has blocked from ingeniously for me, hee hee, I am fierce!

12.↑ today maid succeeds by me tows the sewer, first time has traced the list counter-camera, she also sighed that Shan Fan the feel is good, this is she pats according to mine request to me, according to also good!

13.↑ a leaf of attractive red gate, the corruption, incorruptible may.

14.↑ the small model will suspend pose!


16.↑ behind this background always has the human, feels is very chaotic,personalized baby gift ideas, have to again empty, felt that Tang Tang beautified for me does not look like him.

17.↑ we detoured the back door from a moment ago place, discovered that there had eats has plays, all of a sudden electric car attraction which is ridden by several children, as soon as asked that 10 dollars, the ash too wolf have sat for Tang Tang Zhao, my mother volunteered must help us to photograph, good, had the front testing, I felt relieved that gave the camera she, then I led Tang to shuttle back and forth in the crowd, good happy! Plays this me to line up buys does smelly with the duck blood bean or sweet potato starch noodles soup eats, as soon as then has not attended to watches the picture, and so on comes back on the computer to watch the picture, faints! How hadn't my mother thought perhaps we pats together the ash too wolf! It seems like that this photograph's duty to her also is really arduous…The mother, I must train you well!


19.↑ attempts is illuminating together Tang Helong goes.

20.↑ left the front door, has always patted in here racket several not well.

21.↑ has maid's teasing, Tang also smiles well.


23.↑ this I select a scene am not good, the reason that likes is because Tang the Tang eye opened the eyes to be big.

Also has decorative lantern's picture, in addition opens one!

girl dresses Two year old young boy microcheiria card enters the meat grinder to cause the tragedy

On December 10 the noon, Xingye County two year-old young boys were not careful that put in the hand has been working in the meat grinder volume, is caught stubbornly is unable to take out, my city fire prevention officers and soldiers and the medical personnel passed through more than three hour endeavors, the success take out the young boy and carry on by the card arm the treatment.

12:16, the city fire prevention special service production brigade receives the dispatch control center order, knew that a Xingye County two year-old big child right hand is caught stubbornly by the meat grinder,girl dresses,(Related Articleskids clothes The guardian expressed that the suppo), treats when the local People's Hospital is unable to take out, uses the emergency car to escort immediately rushes to the Yulin first People's Hospital first aid on the way, estimates 20 minutes later rushes, the request special service production brigade rushes to the hospital to carry on the rescue. The special service production brigade organizes 4 experienced fire officers and soldiers and the related instrument immediately, rushes to the first People's Hospital to prepare with great speed broken to open the equipment ahead of time, prepares to rescue.

12:30, the being injured child is escorted by the emergency car the first People's Hospital. On the scene waits the medical personnel hug immediately the child the first-aid room, gets the intravenous drip, has made the wound spot inspection. Simultaneously the fire officers and soldiers have also been carried on the first time to the child right hand by the card situation the preliminary observation, discovered that the entire palm completely was already involved in inside the meat grinder, the partial fingers were already twisted. As a result of the ache, the child often sends out rips the heart check lung's weeping sound, saw the child enduring hardships family member also cried to make a group, the scene scene has let each person change countenance for it.

The being injured child family member - at that time he went to inside next door that hotel to play, put in the hand that machine (meat grinder) inside.

According to doctor's inspection, the preliminary estimate palm was already stirred by the meat grinder broken, the small arm also stubbornly card in the machine, if does not cut open the meat grinder, is unable to take out radically.

14:20, the fire officers and soldiers carry the equipment and doctor enter the operating room together, starts according to the plan to take action. The anesthetist first implements the anaesthesia to the wounded, simultaneously the fire officers and soldiers to prevent the wounded injured area the infection, unifies exchanges the clothes .15 minutes later surgeries which the hospital prepares beforehand to start, first fixes the good meat grinder according to the plan, then the use rubs the grinding wheel to carry on cutting to it, bit by bit cuts open the meat grinder about six, seven centimeters gaps, simultaneously uses the physiological saline for to cut the high temperature which in the process produces to carry on the temperature decrease, prevents the hyperpyrexia to burn the child skin.

Observes T by the incision gap underneath the area the organization also to be possible to treat and cure, after the fire officers and soldiers and physician-in-charge on the scene discuss, the change cuts the position, cuts from t-duct's crossing canal part, then the use manual hydraulic pressure spreader opens meat grinder's steel pipe,skirt suits, took out already twisted the broken part .5 minutes later,creative baby gift ideas, the meat grinder is succeeded breaks, the medical personnel on the scene took out immediately the arm, carried on wound processing, has preserved the majority of small arms.

Doctor said that grows up spot words to be possible to make the artificial limb, like this is not if does, entire cut off on the entire hand (small) the arm did not have, the significance in here, the biological modelling which present's biological modelling artificial limb - English invented (finger artificial limb) already very advanced.

Saw such scene, the fellow guardians might want to educate their child well, at present formed the security threat in the life to the child the thing is many, usually while favored child's to educate to the child, lets them know that these things were move do not, was far away from the danger, do not let such tragedy occur!

homemade baby gift ideas Is partial to the meats the child is easier to have the nutrition question

The meats nutritional value is high,homemade baby gift ideas, is the child grows the growth to food, but if the meats do not eat other kind of food too by chance, will possibly present in some nutritions the question:

1. easy changes fat

According to the investigation pointed out that the body weight overweight schoolchild proportion has more and more high tendency. Certainly causes the child obese reason many: The fast-food restaurant stands in great numbers, drinks excessively many contains the sugar drink, the physiological load of exercise insufficiency and so on; But discovered in author's nutrition consultation outpatient service experience that the body weight overweight child likes eating the meat the proportion to be quite high, actually this is understandable, because the meats belong to a high fat crowd, in the daily diet, the fat occupies the total heat proportion high diet state, compared with easy to let the human changes fat.

2. will absorb many saturated fatty acid

The pork and the beef and so on red meats have many saturated fatty acid. We knew that the saturated fatty acid absorbs excessively many, easy to cause chronic illness and so on Gao Xuezheng. Perhaps you will say that child's bodily metabolism condition will be good, should not matter, but each kind of chronic illness will be accumulates over a long period of time comes, should probably take advantage that slightly will start to maintain.

3. because the nutrition ingestion is imbalanced, is instead emaciated

If only eats the meat, but other foods eat are few, the child will not change fat, instead will have the possibility to be able to be emaciated. Because the human body needs each kind of nutrient, must in these nutrient all enough situation, be able to promote the growth, even if the meats contain the protein is the growth must,(Related Articlesbaby bibs Teaches you the good countermeasure to t), but does not have other nutrient content coordination,baby dolls, was still insufficient to maintain the normal growth.

4. if simultaneously does not like eating the vegetables fruit, easy to create the constipation

Only loves the child who eats the meat not to eat the vegetables, because of the fiber ingestion quantity but insufficiently the constipation (fiber may increase in intestines beneficial bacterium, will help bowel movement obese, prevention constipation, control body weight, prevention).

The balanced nutrition is much longer

Needs in the transferor how many meats does the child eat is most suitable? The attached list lists the pre-schooler protein food suggestion ingestion quantity, the egg and the legumes, the meats are may replace mutually, if the child has to the meats by chance, may substitutes in the legumes or the egg part by the meat, (note: 1 egg =1 block bean curd =1 two meats), but absorbs every day food type are more is better, the nutrition will be more balanced, must therefore encourage to take in food diverse food, will not want the partial eclipse.

Must rectify only likes eating the meat the partial eclipse custom, you may try the following method:

1. little uses the bulk meat, as far as possible with vegetables mix, for example: In twists the meat to add the onion, the carrot makes the meat patty to replace the myo- steak.

2. improves the vegetables flavor using the meats fragrance, may enhance the child to accept to the vegetables. If in the borsch vegetables (onion, carrot, the Korean vegetable and so on) undergoes and the beef together long time boil, will mix the meat fragrance, the child will have compared likes.

3. selects and purchases the low fat meats as far as possible. In a short time, was still unable when reduces the child effectively to the meats appetite, mother when purchases the meats, should choose the saturated fatty acid few chickens and the fish, little buys the streaky pork meat, the sausage and so on fat many meats. When cooking, then suggested that picks the water used to boil, roasts, the halogen, steams and so on oil used few ways, may reduce the quantity of heat, the prevention is obese.

4. tries to find solution to let the vegetables improve eats. This was actually says easily, did is not simple; The suggestion may refer to between the work place the numerous recipes, the improvement vegetables cooking and blends flavors the method.

5. last means that is also the most bad plan (suggested that this method only uses in fat or blood fat high child),infant baby clothes, is the meats component which fixes takes out puts in the small dish, the strict execution limits the quantity edible, but wants the family members who each same place dines to adopt the similar movement to be only then good, will otherwise possibly affect the parentage.